The Recipe For Amy |
Splash of Intensity Limit yourself to one serving. This cocktail is strong! |
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My Recipe
Posted by Amy at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Nobody Reads Anyway So What Do I Care
I am having a rough week. It must be the weather or time of year because a lot of people I know are feeling crappy this week. It is hard to pinpoint what is making me feel so bad but this sore throat isn't helping. It started yesterday and I kind of hoped it was just one of those irritating sore throats you wake up with and they go away. Nope, still here. It doesn't help that last night at karate I sat next to a mom and her kid who was as sick as a dog; sneezing and runny nose. If your child is that sick and obviously not feeling well why drag him out in freezing temps to then sit in a small confined spot with lots of other people. UUUUGHHHH!!!! I am sure I'll be nice and sick by next week.
I am also just generally annoyed with people in general. It is not a good feeling because I tend to mostly get along with everyone. I am afraid that I am going to snap and say something like"Stop talking to me. Do I look like I care?" OMG-sometimes people just don't get it.
The kids and family are well. Our schedule is busy, busy, busy. I have a new appreciation for Thursdays. It seems like it is the only week day that I get to leave work at normal time. Be home to get the kids off the bus and be home before 7:00 pm.
That's it for now. I am going to take my cranky self and tackle some work.
Posted by Amy at 5:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Happy Thursday!
Not much going on this week besides running my kids from one activity to another. Tyler's first full cast rehearsal got snowed out on Monday so they ended up just having the Tuesday one. I had a handful of moms there to help. Unfortunately by the time the kids for bus pick up leave and the kids get snack, they only have about 40 minutes to rehearse. I have to talk to the music teacher and see if there is a way they can get snack and warm up earlier so they have more time to rehearse.
Karate is good! Andrew has a crush on two little girls in the class. He will only go into class if the girls are there. He is just so cute to watch though. Not sure if he is going to be the next grand master but he is having fun. Tyler and Owen are doing well with karate too. Ty picks up the forms really quick while it takes Owen a little while. They are both enjoying it.
Baseball starts soon and Owen has some clinics we signed him up for on the next few Sundays. We'll see how much baseball interferes with karate and make a decision then what we are going to do.
Owen receives Reconciliation on Saturday so we are going to have to go to a nice lunch afterwards. Maybe we'll do the Rainforest Cafe or Bugaboo Creek.
The house is kind of getting back to normal. The boys' rooms are still a work in progress. Tyler wants his own room and that would mean moving Andrew in with Owen. I'm not too sure if it is a good move. I am going to have to find a border to go with their wallpaper because I don't feel like pulling down the wallpaper and border. Yes, the cows have to go but the wallpaper is a cute plaid that I am hoping to find a boy's border that will go with it. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make one...okay, if I wishing let's go for two, two more rooms would be nice. So each of the boys would have their own room and I would have a craft room. It stinks that I pretty much have a waste of a room that is a walk through from the front door to the kitchen that I have no idea what to do with. I need an interior designer to maximize my space. (dreaming again here.) Any interior desigers out there??
Posted by Amy at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Let The Craziness Begin!
First, I have to say that I tried the new Dunkin Donuts Milky Way Hot Chocolate and YUMMO!!! It is kind of sweet and I can guarantee that you won't lose any weight drinking it but you only live once right? And besides, AF is here so I can have all the sweets I want. You want to be the one to tell me I can't? I thought not.;)
Tyler auditioned for the school play again. He figured that after having a lead speaking part as a fourth grader last year that he would have a pretty good shot at a lead this year. He had to memorize some lines and sing and dance. He had no problem memorizing lines. He seriously took the paper and spent 5 minutes looking at it and had it memorized. Singing, he has that down no problem. My child is not afraid to sing and knows how to project. He was kind of worried because when they auditioned they asked some kids to sing louder and then asked some kids to sing in groups. Not Tyler. And as for dancing, they had to do the Cotton Eyed Joe. They did this last year for the play so he was comfortable doing it for audition. Well, he has one of the male leads and even has some solos. He will be playing Rip Page in Gone With The Breeze. His character seems like there is a lot he could do with it to develop it. He is a studio tour guide who is trying to get into acting and it isn't working. He has a lot of lines and quite a bit of solos but I know his music teacher wouldn't give him this part if she didn't think he was capable of doing it. Rehearsals started this week so we are running him to school an hour before school starts and picking him up after rehearsal after school. They have some full cast rehearsals and then they break rehearsals down to scenes and you only attend if you are in that scene. Tyler is only not in one scene so we will be camping out at school for the next three months. The play is in April and they should be off script by February vacation when they have a full day rehearsal. They had the parent volunteer meeting the other night and it was sad that out of 113 kids in the play, there were probably on 24 parents there. I signed up to be in charge of volunteers and backstage helpers and backroom helpers and boys' makeup. I am pretty fortunate that my job allows me the flexibility to be able to be there for after school rehearsals so I figured that that is something I could do.
The schedule for the next three months will be crazy between play rehearsals, karate and baseball starting soon. I dug out the good ole' palm pilot and started typing dates. Then I even got it to sync to my laptop so I have my calendar on that too. Why does it seem as though my kids have more of a social life than I do?
Posted by Amy at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Have A Good Day Miss???
Who would've known how excited I would be about the cashier at the deli this morning calling me "Miss"? Kind of funny, huh? Well, it certainly beats being called "ma'am".
This weekend went by too quickly. I didn't get nearly as much accomplished as I hoped. Christmas decorations are still out and it drives me crazy. Don't get me wrong. I love Christmas decorations.....for about 4 weeks. After that they become a nuisance and a pain to clean around. I did gather all the Christmas decorations from the family room to be put away. Now I just need to find the box of the stuff we packed away to make room for the Christmas decorations and bring it back out. I wonder how many of these boxes never get brought back out and are floating around somewhere in the closets?
I did call for my Disney ADR (advanced dining reservations for all you non-disneyites). That was a task and a half because I needed to figure out our park schedule first. We tried to cut down on character meals this time around. We figure, you've seen one've seen them all. We did decide on Chef Mickey's for Dinner on the day we arrive. Kind of like a kick-off to vacation. We have never done Chef Mickeys and I am really looking forward to it. The kids opted fro Crystal Palace inn the Kingdom again but this time for Dinner so we can maximize park time. What can I say? We love the Pooh characters!!!! A trip to Disney would not be complete without a picture with Pooh. Lastly, we scheduled the Hollywood & Vine Fantasmic dinner package. we scheduled this last year and didn't make it to Fantasmic cause the kids were worn out. Hopefully, they'll last through the park to make it to the show this year. I want to dine with Shamu at Seaworld but was outnumbered.
My oldest son is in his glory we finally allowed him to use money he had received from his First Holy Communion two years ago to purchase a laptop. He has been begging and receiving hand-me-downs from relatives that are really nothing more than a typewriter. Finally we broke down and helped out a bit so he could buy a laptop. He is one happy boy now. My how they grow up.
We also took the kids to see..
They loved it and for once I feel like we actually got our moneys worth from a show. Andrew and Tyler were singing along and Owen (who adores high school musical) was trying to be Mr. Cool and said he would've been home watching the Giants game. When it ended I looked and Andrew and he had tears pouring down his face. I asked him why he was crying and he said "I don't want it to be over. I want to see it again." He is such my cutie-pie.
Oh, almost forgot. I did go to the movies Saturday and saw PS-I Love You. I had read the book but seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Harry Conick Jr. made the movie sooooooo...much better. If you plan on seeing it make sure you bring some tissues.
That's my weekend update!!!
Posted by Amy at 6:29 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Years!
Posted by Amy at 9:43 AM 1 comments